MEDITATION: Peace flourishes where there is balance। This week's meditation balances our mood and energy as we connect with the landscapes of the earth। Allow yourself a quiet place। Place both feet squarely on the floor.Allow your back to be long and relaxed.Remember to release your eyes and jaw by softening the muscles that attach them. Take a few deep breaths. Soften your ribs and your belly to allow more air flow. Think of a specific place in nature that you enjoy.It can be a place you have been or a picture you have seen. Imagine a beautiful place anywhere -- in the forest, by the ocean, in the mountains, in the desert, by a stream... anyplace that feels good to you. Remember it vividly. Make it real.Get into the details of your experience there. What do you smell? What does the air feel like? What colors do you see? What sounds do you hear? How does the temperature feel on your skin? Is there a breeze? Bring this beautiful place to you, where you are right now.Feel yourself held in nature's loving embrace. When you feel complete with the first one, pick another place. Feel free to use this meditation more than once a day
Join the World peace wave – meditate for world peace everyday at 12noon wherever you are in the world!